Man is ever in search of happiness. Whatever one does is for finding happiness. Happiness is a state of mind it is not related to external things. One can be happy even in the midst of pressures, poverty and distress. A rich man may have all the things which he can buy but he cannot buy happiness as it is not a commodity. Throughout human history we find people who could be happy even in the most adverse conditions. The quotes of such happy people are an ideal for others.
“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be” said Abraham Lincoln the erstwhile president of America. It means that if we decide to be happy we can be since happiness is related to mind. The lives of great sages and great philosophers bear testimony to this fact. If we go through the history of the world, we can find people who lived in abject poverty never despaired instead showed the path of happiness to others. “The amount of happiness you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart” said Thich Nhat Hanh. Freedom from bonds which we have developed in our hearts is the real source of happiness.
So being detached though we are living in the midst of people and the various relations is the real state of happiness. The above mentioned quotes convey this message.